My oldest daughter (otherwise known as my Texas Gal) and her husband, recently spent four and a half fabulous days with us, as she does every odd year, with even years belonging to her father. I thought, perhaps, the best way to sum up our visit, would be to "top ten" the highlights. So here you have it (in no particular order)...
1) Hubsy and I got to meet our new baby Grandson, Levi, for the very first time. He's five months old, which is the very age our first grandson, David, was when we met him for the first time. There is a world of difference between the two boys. At five months, David immediately disliked anyone who couldn't offer him a tasty breast on demand (which was all the time), whereas Levi seems to love everyone, regardless of anatomy. Levi gurgled and cooed and laughed, whereas David screamed ... and screamed some more. Needless to say, this visit was far easier on the ears, than the last one.
2) Approximately twenty five consecutive hours after they arrived, David, now two years old, warmed up very nicely to these two strangers, who called themselves Grandma and Grandpa. When he opened his eyes on the morning of the second day, I waited for the cry. But instead, he crawled right over his parents, who lay sleeping on the air mattress on the living room floor, and right into my arms. That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Another one formed that evening, when David ran straight to his Grandpa, all smiles, as he walked in the door from work. On another day, he ran to the driveway, excited to greet Grandpa at the car.
3) Hubsy left work early one day, and the seven of us used those extra hours to bowl a few games at the local alley, not including Levi (who slept through much of the commotion), and David (who assisted some of us with our throws). I lost my breath and bit my tongue whenever the little guy tried to pick up a ten pound ball, and carry it to the lane. That's when we stepped in to assist him. Because the whole family applauded whenever he rolled a ball, he clapped for us too!
6) For evening entertainment, we broke out a new family game, Apples To Apples. You should've seen us... seven people, ages 10 to 40-something, rolling on the floor in laughter so deep, it was actually painful. Laughing at ourselves, at each other, and at Waco TX and Andy Warhol. During one session, it took us a while to realize that David wasn't happily talking on his toy cellphone, but was actually having a conversation with his grandmother in Texas, on his daddy's very real cellphone!
9) David is learning to talk, but he really only makes one sound. G-go. It's his version of "gonna go". He will surprise you with other words occasionally, like "daddy, doggie, please, hello, and go away". But if you prompt him to repeat what he had said, all you're gonna get is G-go.
10) As Punkin and Princess enjoy dancing with The Michael Jackson Experience on the Wii, we got David to bust a few moves as well. My daughter tells me that he usually sways to music, but this time he was really jumpin', and he even "got low" ... real low ... rolling on the floor, low.
We hosted our visitors just one month after my mother hosted us, for our vacation. Now I know why she gets so sad when we leave. I cried for two days after watching my daughter and her men drive away.